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'/TreeAssist Toggle' - lets a player turn TreeAssist auto destruction on or off.(让一个玩家开启或者关闭砍树效果---即自动毁坏树木 默认开启 输入一次指令切换关闭)
'/TreeAssist Global' - Turns the plugin on or off all together(让所有玩家开启或关闭砍树效果 默认开启 输入一次指令切换关闭)
'/TreeAssist Reload' - Reload the plugin's config file(重载插件)
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treeassist.replant - When the player chops down a tree, should a sapling replant itself?(当一个玩家撸掉一棵树 让一个树自动补种)
treeassist.toggle - Gives player access to the '/TreeAssist Toggle' command to turn auto tree destruction on or off(给一个玩家使用/TreeAssist Toggle的权限)
treeassist.toggle.global - gives access to 'TreeAssist Global' command(给一个玩家使用/TreeAssist Global的权限)
treeassist.reload - access to '/Treeassist reload'(给一个玩家使用/Treeassist reload的权限)
treeassist.destroy.* - access to tree-assist for all trees. sub nodes:(破坏访问tree-assist所有的树 子权限:)
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全自动树木收割机Automatic Tree Destruction: true Should Automatic Tree Destruction be turned on?
Use Permissions: false
砍树自动补种(不想补种就设置成false就行了)Sapling Replant: true Should salpings replant after a tree is broken?
Apply Full Tool Damage: true When doing automatic Tree destruction, should full tool damage be applied?
Ignore User Placed Blocks: true Should the plugin use TreeAssist/data.yml to track player placed blocks and not count them as trees?
Use mcMMO if Available: true If TreeAssist finds mcMMO, should people get mcMMO Woodcutting XP for every block broken in the Tree? I suggest setting a high curve if you use this
Destroy Only Blocks Above: false Leave trunks if a block other than the bottom one is broken
Automatic Tree Destruction:
Tree Types: What types of trees should automatic tree destruction work on?
Birch: true
Jungle: true
Oak: true
Spruce: true
Leaf Decay:
Fast Leaf Decay: true Simply a true or false if it should be faster.
Sapling Replant:
Bottom Block has to be Broken First: true Does the bottom block have to be broken first for a replant (This doesn't matter if auto tree destruction is on!)
Time to Protect Sapling (Seconds): 30 How long should saplings be protected for when they are replanted by the plugin?
Replant When Tree Burns Down: true
Block all breaking of Saplings: false Prevents breaking of saplings, in general (or active worlds, if applicable)*
Tree Types to Replant: What types of trees should automatically be replanted?
Birch: true
Jungle: true
Oak: true
Spruce: true
Sapling Replant Require Tools: false
Tree Destruction Require Tools: false
Tools List: Use the material type
If you want to use tekkit or extrenal item mods, put use the Item ID
Enable Per World: false
Enabled Worlds: World name
- world
- world2
Modding: !! Experimental !!
Custom Logs: Add item IDs that should be treated as custom logs
Custom Saplings: Add item IDs that should be planted when a custom log (base) is destroyed
Custom Tree Blocks: Add item IDs that should be treated as custom leaves, or blocks in general that have to be removed
1.72砍树 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jG25tXW
TreeAssist v5.8.64 for CB 1.7.2-R0.3 适用版本:CB 1.7.2-R0.3CB 1.6.4-R2.0CB 1.6.4-R1.0
TreeAssist v5.7.12 for CB 1.6.2-R1.0 适用版本:CB 1.6.4-R1.0CB 1.6.2-R1.0
TreeAssist v5.5.5 for CB 1.5.2-R1.0 适用版本:CB 1.5.2-R1.0CB 1.5.2-R0.1CB 1.5.1-R0.2
BETA版:TreeAssist v5.8.22 for CB 1.6.4-R2.0 适用版本:CB 1.6.4-R2.0CB 1.6.4-R1.0
BETA版:TreeAssist v5.8.21 for 1.7.4 适用版本:1.7.4CB 1.6.4-R2.0CB 1.6.4-R1.0